Martin Oriakhi,
Martin Oriakhi is our Minister at Ridley Community Church, a church plant and revitalization project of a former mission hall.
Martin grew up in Nigeria in a Christian home. Initially, he thought this made him a Christian automatically, but later God showed him in the Bible that being a Christian is not about doing “churchy things” but about knowing Christ and having a relationship with the Saviour. Martin is very grateful for God's grace in his life that brought him into this relationship and sustains him to this day.
Martin has worked in many different careers over the years, including Market Research, Bookshop Retail, Youth-work, Computing and Management before going to London Seminary in North London and entering Christian ministry. He is happily married to Elizabeth and has three children. He enjoys driving as well as walking, is currently confined to armchair football and considers Tottenham Hotspurs the greatest football club to ever grace the pitch!
He is passionate about reaching Forest Gate and the surrounding area with the good news of the Gospel and if you have any questions for him he would enjoy meeting with you to discuss them.