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Building Fund Project 

Our building is up for sale. Please see opportunity below to partner with us in the work of the gospel in Forest Gate, East London. 

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    The area is one of the most deprived in London; 8% of local household income is below £10,000; 40% of the community earn less than the London living wage; 22% of children live in poverty; with warring gangs and high violent youth crimes. Yet we are not disheartened! This setting provides fantastic opportunity for ongoing evangelism and outreach to see people turn to Christ; discipleship growth and practical outreach.


    Our congregation is warm, friendly and diverse, with many nations being represented which reflects the local community and the kingdom of God, and whose focus is to know Christ, to live Christ and to make Christ known.


    The building is up for sale. A 1.5 storey building accommodating 215 sq/m floor space and development. If Ridley Church doesn’t buy the property, it will likely be redeveloped, and a thriving true evangelical gospel community will lose their home.


    As fellow disciples of Jesus, please pray for us. We ask that you prayerfully consider whether it is possible for you to fun gospel growth in this community.


    If you would like to make a one-off donation you can do so via details below:

    Building Fund Account – Metro Bank

    Sort code: 23-05-80 / Account:40979387

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